e-learning Design
Why eLearning Works: 10 Benefits of eLearning
Dec 1, 2022
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Have you been consideringinvesting more heavily in eLearning as a business? Or wanted to attend aneLearning course as an alternative to an in-person class?


You may have some doubts floating around in your mindabout how an online course cannot possibly be as effective as an in-personcourse. We're here to tell you all about why eLearning works. A lot ofheavy-duty science and psychology goes into creating the perfect learningenvironment. eLearning has come a long way from simply being a slide show to clickthrough while your eyes glaze over from boredom.


In this article, we'll cover what eLearning is and giveyou 10 detailed benefits.

Whatis eLearning?


We must define eLearning before we can get into howfantastic it is for learners, developers, and companies. Let's ensure we're allon the same page.


eLearning, or electronic learning, is any learning ortraining through a digital or electronic resource. That means tablets,computers, or cell phones are all excellent ways to get ideas and concepts intolearners' minds.


Elliot Maisue first coined the term in 1999. Thanks tothe rise of the internet, intensive multimedia development, and the affordabilityof electronic devices, eLearning has become an established part of schools andcompanies.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have access tocomparative studies that have found that further investment in eLearning and learning management software has led toequivalent or better student course performance than before the pandemic.


The past, present, and future of eLearning are bright,and much of that is due to the below top 10 benefits of eLearning.


10 Benefits of eLearning


Whether you're trying to make a personal or businesscase for eLearning, having these strong arguments in your back pocket willcreate global buy-in in no time.


#1 eLearning is Flexible


When people were first told that eLearning was apossible alternative to classroom learning, many naysayers believed it to be apoor alternative as students wouldn't have to show their attendance throughphysical presence.


However, rather than a lack of physical attendancebeing a downside, the flexibility of online education has become oneof the critical factors of its success. eLearning's flexibility makes itpossible for learners to make learning part of their every day.


They can choose when they are most alert, can attend topersonal and business commitments without missing out on education, and thusallows them to grasp concepts more quickly.


While it is true that eLearning requires greaterself-discipline, many of those who learn this way find that it allows them toimprove their determination to succeed. In many traditional educationalsettings, this form of self-growth is often neglected, but gainingself-discipline leads people to seize more senior positions in their careers.That's a win-win!


#2 eLearning is Cost-Effective


We now understand that eLearning is an effective andworthwhile way to teach complex and straightforward concepts. Importantly, itis also very cost-effective compared to its traditional classroomcounterpart.


In the days before eLearning, an employee who requiredintensive training would likely be sent on a course. The course itself couldset the business back several hundred dollars. It would quickly add up when youadd the cost of transport, a place to stay, and meals.


Since eLearning can instantly share information withemployees and students via devices they likely already possess and useregularly, the business can save vital funds on transport, teacher salaries,and course materials.


Productivity is improved by removing the classroomelement of learning. This heightened productivity leads to better recall. Ifyou are of the time is money way of thinking, employees also save time due tonot needing to travel to a specific place, and the efficiency of eLearningmodules leads to less time spent trying to grasp a new concept.


Just how much can a company save by investing ineLearning? Naturally, that depends on the company's size, but technology giant IBM saved around $200 million by investing ineLearning. Think about how far that money can go to be reinvested in yourcompany or do good through corporate social responsibility.


#3 eLearning is Accessible


Accessibility in eLearning means making use oftechnology in a way that is accessible for learners of all abilities anddisabilities. In the past, businesses provided people with disabilities with apdf version of the training modules. This does cover the bare minimum ofaccessibility but isn't engaging.


Instead, the complex phenomenon of disability can becatered to using eLearning. There are four main principles of accessibility thathelp developers of eLearning create the best experience for everyone:


·   Perception: can the learner view andperceive the content? A blind learner may not be able to view the contentthrough sight, but they can perceive it via screen reading software.


·   Operation: the learner has to be able tonavigate through the lessons using things other than a mouse or trackpad. Forexample, somebody with cerebral palsy may rely on voice recognition software.


·   Understanding: the language must be keptas simple as possible and avoid convoluted jargon. Keeping language clear andto the point allows those with learning disabilities to engage with thecontent.


·   Robust: for assistive technology tointerpret eLearning modules, they must be strong enough to handleinterpretation.


eLearning is far better equipped to cater toaccessibility needs than classroom learning as the adaptations do not interferewith other learners. Additionally, a virtual environment allows us to bypassphysical disability needs, such as ensuring a hotel conference center hasadequate ramps and wide enough doorframes.


An important thing to note is that this does not meanthe world can stop pushing for accessibility in all places. eLearning is aheadof the curve, but accessibility is everyone's right.


#4 eLearning's Gamification Brings Results


Do you consider learning to be a chore with very littleenjoyment? Then eLearning is likely the perfect match for you. eLearning makesuse of a concept called gamification.


Gamification may be one of those eye-roll buzzwords youhear thrown around a lot, but what does it mean? It is the process of addinggame-like things to a situation that isn't a game. Technically, you can gamifyanything. For example, creating a sticker board for your children's chores is aform of gamification.


In the eLearning sphere, we gamify by adding elementssuch as:


·   point systems

·   leaderboards

·   teams

·   levels of learning

·   achievement badges


Remember, you hear about gamification increasingly asan eLearning strategy because it's highly effective. The whole point ofgamification as part of a learning experience is to make it more fun andappealing. The more you enjoy an activity, the more likely you will keepinteracting with it and have stellar learning outcomes.


Let's go into an example. Have you ever tried learninga language with Duolingo?Whether it's German, French, or Hebrew, that little green owl has a way ofmaking you want to pick up your phone (your learning device) and practice yourlanguage of choice. Duo, the owl's name, makes this possible via badges asrecognition for their learner's hard work.


#5 eLearning Boosts Participation


eLearning boosts participation in learning due topreviously mentioned concepts like gamification, accessibility, andflexibility. However, there are additional steps companies can take to make eLearning an even more participation-friendlyway of learning.


·   Integrate Social Media: What makes youfeel connected to other people when you're alone at home, working on a project?It's likely social media. Consider using social media's power to get employeesto talk to each other by integrating the latest eLearning courses.


·   Clarify the Course Value: one of the topways learners keep themselves motivated is byunderstanding the need to learn something. Don't be afraid to share the big pictureof why compliance training is essential to their job.


·   Tell a Story: human beings engage withone another through the magic of storytelling. Integrating learning scenarioswith stories keeps learners engaged and wanting to return for more.


#6 eLearning is Consistent


When we're talking about eLearning content beingconsistent, we mean that, unlike classroom learning sessions, we can ensurethat everyone is receiving the same information in the same way. There's noneed to rely on a teacher to remember a specific vital detail every time.


Consistency in online and offline learning isessential because it plays a significant role in employee engagement. When theyknow the training they need to complete every year will look familiar, they cansettle into it more easily. Additionally, it allows management to control therelease of information.


How can you ensure eLearning is as consistent aspossible? You may want to consider creating a style guide. By explainingexpectations in sound, look, and tone, you can ensure every eLearning authorcan create consistent outcomes.


#7 eLearning can Simulate Reality


The future of games is virtual reality, but have youconsidered that the future of eLearning is also virtual reality?Virtual reality is a technology that allows users to interact with a £D virtualenvironment.


At first glance, this may look like a feature ofgamification or even a gimmick to get learners to want to engage in sessions.However, many practical ways of integrating VR into a learning environmentexist.


For example, training simulations in VR make itpossible for learners to immerse themselves in training environments that can'tbe accessed in the real world. For example, a pilot practicing a difficultlanding may do so many times in a virtual cockpit before attempting it in thereal world.


#8 eLearning Reduces Environmental Impact


We are all aware that human impact on resources is impacting our climate and our environment rapidly.It's time for companies to get involved and lower their carbon footprint. Youmay be increasingly aware of your company's attempts at aiding the fightagainst climate change. Can eLearning be part of shaping a more sustainablebusiness future?


Education isn't one of the things that come to mind asimpacting the environment. However, every hand-out, every teacher and learnertraveling to a classroom, and every book printed impact the environmentnegatively.


eLearning is effective and cost-efficient, but it isalso environmentally friendly. Here are just someof the ways eLearning reduces the impact of learning on the environment:


·   reduces travel

·   reduces paper

·   reduces energy consumption

·   reduces the use of natural resources


#9 eLearning Provides Feedback


Feedback is essential for learners to track how theyabsorb the information, score on tests, and engage with content. However, witha classroom of several people, giving feedback as often as is necessary to bebeneficial can be difficult.


eLearning allows continual feedback that is educationalrather than just informational. Educational feedback highlights why somebodygot a response to a quiz wrong and uses the opportunity to explain the contentslightly differently.


Additionally, eLearning's feedback systems areencouraging because learners can see themselves improving. Feedback shouldnever lead to somebody feeling dejected. Sometimes removing the real-life humancomponent from feedback removes potential shame associated with notunderstanding something immediately.


#10 eLearning Creates Global Collaboration


When was the last time you hopped on a plane tocollaborate with your colleagues in India or England? Likely never or once in ablue moon.


eLearning allows collaboration opportunities to springup everywhere, whether with somebody who sits in the same office space as you,works from home, or works from a world away. This type of collaborationencourages cultural understanding, increases tolerance and acceptance, andleads to a better work and learning environment.


Furthermore, frequent collaboration creates feelings ofcompany unity, and colleague encouragement improves learner outcomes. Throughthe use of eLearning, we can discover that the quest for education spans across cultures,beliefs, and experiences.




In this article, we briefly looked at what eLearningis, covered 10 benefits of eLearning, and gave an in-depth look at how you canimprove upon specific tenants of learning.


We hope you enjoy your quest for knowledge and can usesome of the information in this blog post to create outstanding eLearningmodules. Happy learning!


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